[English version]
Do you want to play a game but you don’t have any game console? Or do you wanna play a game with different taste? Calm down, I have an alternative answer for you who don’t have enough money to buy a console game or playing games in the game center. The requirements are easy. You have to have a computer even though it’s the old one. The minimum is Pentium II with 64 MB RAM and a VGA that supports Direct Draw and Direct 3D.
Have you ever heard about emulator? Emulator come from the word emulate that means make something almost same. Therefore, emulator functions to emulate the works of hardware in the different platform for instance there is WinE in Linux that functions to run window’s programs in Linux. Actually there are several software too that can run console game in our computer.
1. Playing NeoGeo games in computer
I bet all of you have known about NeoGeo. It is an old console is familiar to many gamers. How to play NeoGeo games in computer is really easy. You just have to download the ROM of the games and the emulator too. The best emulator for NeoGeo is NeoRAGEx. I’m afraid I cant give the link. Just try to look for it in google, OK?
2. Playing PS1 or PSX in computer
I guess this kind of software is looked for by many gamers. ePSXe is the best for PSX emulator. Its also freeware. The advantages is it provides many plugins so you can change the configuration to fit the game with your computer. Unfortunately, it have to use bios which is difficult enough to be looked for because of its restriction. The other alternative is by using CVGS (Connectix Virtual Game Station) or Bleem. CVGS is the best for its compatibility. Almost all of the games can be played. Besides of that, the configuration is easy and its very user friendly. The last two software unfortunately is not free of charge. Beside needing emulator, you also have to the PSX CD Game. Just run the program then insert the CD, enjoy the game^_^.
3. Playing GameBoy atau GameBoy Advanced games in computer.
For this one, you don’t need a high end hardware. The software is really easy to get too. The best for this class is VisualBoyAdvanced. The advantages of this software are a lot. Its very complete therefore you can configure it for your own will. Beside of that, this kind of software is free too. Unfortunately, for you who don’t have high end PC, just prepare to move to the other software. For instance, my old computer that has Pentium II processor only can run the game in 50% speed. If you wish to choose the other software, then try this one, No$GBA. With a simple configuration, you can get a good performance on your PC. The low grade PC is not a big matter for it. The latest version of it is not free though~_~. The GBA ROM is rather difficult to be looked for except for the free version. Nevertheless, if you wanna look for it, try to visit this website www.mxemu.com/romshare.
Finally, several software above are obtainable in the internet. Try to use google and you will find it. The most important things are by keeping it up and happy gaming ^_^.
[versi Bahasa Indonesia]
Main Game Pake Emulator
Pengin ngegame tapi nggak punya konsol? Atau pengin ngerasain ngegame dengan taste yang beda? Tenang coy, aku punya solusinya buat kamu-kamu yang gak punya uang untuk beli konsol atau ngegame di rental atau game center. Syaratnya punya computer walaupun yang jadul sekalipun. Minimal sih Pentium 2 dengan RAM 64 MB dan VGA yang sudah support Direct Draw serta Direct 3D.
Pernah dengar yang namanya emulator. Emulator berasal dari kata emulate yang artinya menyamai. Jadi software emulator berfungsi untuk menyamai fungsi kerja suatu hardware di platform yang berbeda contohnya untuk linux ada WinE untuk jalanin program windows di linux. Nah ternyata ada juga software yang bisa membuat kita mainin game-game konsol lawas atau baru di komputer.
1. Main game NeoGeo di Komputer
NeoGeo biasanya familiar buat para gamer lawas yang menyukai ding-dong. Biasanya semuanya berplatform NeoGeo. Caranya gampang aja tinggal download ROM gamenya sekalian emulatornya. Emulator yang paling bagus buat NeoGeo adalah NeoRAGEx. Cari aja di google nanti banyak tersedia.
2. Main game PS1 atau PSX di komputer
Nah ini yang paling banyak dicari buat para gamer. Untuk emulator PSX yang terbaik adalah ePSXe. Bisa didownload gratis lagi. Kelebihannya adalah dia menyediakan plugin sehingga bisa diganti-ganti konfigurasinya menyesuaikan gamenya dengan komputer kamu. Sayangnya, software ini harus pake bios yang agak sulit dicari di internet soalnya restricted. Alternatif lain pakai saja CVGS (Connectix Virtual Game Station) atau Bleem. Soal kompatibilitas CVGS jagonya. Hampir semua game bisa dimainkan. Selain itu, konfigurasinya juga mudah, cocok bagi pemula. Kedua software terakhir sayangnya berbayar alias tidak gratis. Selain dibutuhkan emulator, kamu juga harus punya CD Gamenya dong. Tinggal jalanin programnya trus masukin CDnya main deh ^_^.
3. Main Game GameBoy atau GameBoy Advanced di computer
Yang ini gak butuh hardware yang berat-berat amat. Softwarenya mudah didapat lagi. Yang terbaik di kelas ini adalah VisualBoyAdvanced. Kelebihannya pada konfigurasinya yang terbilang komplet jadi bisa diatur sesuka hati kamu. Selain itu software ini gratiiis. Sayangnya kamu yang punya hardware pas-pasan disarankan beralih ke software yang lain. Soalnya komputerku saja yang pentium 2 cuma bisa jalankan gamenya dengan kecepatan 50%. Pilihan lainnya adalah No$GBA.Dengan konfigurasi yang sederhana kamu bisa mendapatkan performa yang menakjubkan. Hardware yang masih tergolong jadul pun tidak masalah. Versi terakhir dari software ini kayaknya berbayar padahal sebelumnya gratis. Untuk ROM GBA agak sulit dicari kecuali versi freenya. Tapi kamu bisa cari di website ini www.mxemu.com/romshare.
Akhir kata, semua software diatas biasanya bisa didapat di internet. Tinggal googling aja, pasti dapat. Yang penting keep it up and happy gaming ^_^.
Monday, September 01, 2008
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