[English version]
Do you want any software freely? For this time, I’d like to share the link with you. However, I’d like to explain the content first. Actually, this kind of sites is owned by a state university in Central Java, Indonesia and all people around the world using internet connection can access it. I don’t understand why the administrators share it freely, even though using pirated software in Indonesia is forbidden. I don’t know whether the administrators afraid of that or not. On the other hand, maybe they don’t know the rules? Well, I don’t know exactly what is their purposes. For me, the most important things is that the content is totally free of charge to be downloaded. In this site, the content is very various from games, fonts, until sharewares. OK, maybe you have been boring reading many words from me, I’ll share the link for you now. Visit the site and enjoy ^_^
[versi Bahasa Indonesia]
Berbagi software gratisan
Mau software-software berbayar dengan gratis? kali ini akan aku share dengan kamu-kamu semua. Tapi sabar coy, kontennya akan kujelasin dulu. Sebenarnya web ini milik salah satu universitas negeri di Jawa Tengah tapi bisa diakses semua orang. Sebenarnya gak tau juga maksud adminnya apa? Padahal kan masih musim opreasi software bajakan, Apa nggak takut tuh admin ?. Tapi nggak apa-apa sih, yang penting gratis. Dari segi konten, isinya campur-campur alias macem-macem kayaq gado-gado. Semuanya ada dari game, fonts, sampai software yang berbayar juga ada. Oke coy daripada berlama-lama aku share aja langsung. Langsung menuju TKP ya ^_^.
Friday, September 05, 2008
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